Unveiling the Silent Epidemic: Quiet Quitting in the Workplace

leadership quiet quitting Mar 14, 2024

Quiet quitting is a pervasive issue in workplaces globally, as highlighted by a Gallup survey in 2023. This phenomenon refers to employees who may physically show up to work but are emotionally disengaged, leading to a staggering 67% of Australian and New Zealand employees falling into this category. This silent epidemic has far-reaching consequences, affecting not only the individuals involved but also the overall health of the organisation.

Quiet quitting is characterised by a lack of enthusiasm and motivation among employees. Despite being physically present, these individuals mentally check out, leading to a decline in productivity and overall workplace morale. This disengagement often goes unnoticed until the effects become pronounced, affecting team dynamics and organisational culture.

The implications of quiet quitting are profound, extending beyond individual dissatisfaction. Leaders often struggle to identify the signs, and the pervasive sense of disengagement can breed...

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